ssl certificate


Secure communication between webserver and client.

Add value to your website with customers and search engines.

SSL certificates are crucial for managing e-commerce applications and for all transactions which include sensitive data being tranferred via the Internet. You can request one of the certificates below for your domain.

DigiCert is the world’s premier provider of SSL certificates and PKI solutions, focused on helping customers secure their websites, networks and the Internet for 15 years.

DigiCert Certified Partner Platinum

  • Thawte SSL 123 Certificate 256 Bit - domain validated

    The domain-validated certificate is available within a very short time. The ownership of the domain is first verified using various authentication procedures. The user can then click on the SSL lock icon in their browser and see the domain name next to the certificate holder.

    The certificate includes the following URLs:


    Instead of purchasing an own certificate for each domain, this certificate enables you to optionally make use of "Subject Alternative Names" (SAN) and use the same certificate for up to 10 further domain names, in addition to the main domain.

    The costs for SAN domains are charged separately to the fees for the certificate.

    Certificate fees + 1 year duration per SAN 3236


    • A maximum of 10 SAN domains per SSL Certificate are possible.
    • All SAN domains need to be specified at the time of ordering.
    • All SAN domains need to be on the same server.
    • It is not possible to add further SAN domains later.
    • It is not possible to change SAN domain names during the term of the certificate


    Thawte SSL 123 Certificate 256 Bit - domain validated
    Processing time: approx. 1 working day
    Over 99% of our clients choose this certificate
    32.00 36.00
    1 year duration per certificate
    Prices excl. VAT
    order now
  • Thawte SSL Certificate 256 Bit - address validated

    Beim adressvalidierten Zertifikat wird neben der Domaininhaberschaft die Identität Ihres Unternehmens u.a. durch Handelsregisterauszug, Bankdaten und Telefondaten verifiziert. Der User sieht im Browser bei Klick auf das SSL-Schloss beim Zertifikat-Inhaber den Firmennamen und den Ort. 

    Je nach Browser-Leistung Ihres Kunden und der auf Ihrem Webserver installierten Krypto-Algorithmen bietet es 128- bis 256-Bit Verschlüsselung. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass die Informationen während des Übergangs zwischen Ihrem Webserver und den Webbrowsern Ihres Kunden vertraulich bleiben. 

    The certificate includes the following URLs:


    Anstatt für jede Domain ein eigenes Zertifikat zu erwerben, können Sie bei diesem Zertifikat optional "Subject Alternative Names" (SAN) verwenden und so dasselbe Zertifikat für bis zu 10 weiteren Domainnamen zusätzlich zur Hauptdomain nutzen.

    Die Kosten für SAN-Domains sind zusätzlich zu den Gebühren dieses Zertifikats zu entrichten.

    Zertifikatsgebühren 1 Jahr + 6472 1 Jahr Laufzeit pro SAN


    • A maximum of 10 SAN domains per SSL Certificate are possible.
    • All SAN domains need to be specified at the time of ordering.
    • All SAN domains need to be on the same server.
    • It is not possible to add further SAN domains later.
    • It is not possible to change SAN domain names during the term of the certificate


    Thawte SSL Certificate 256 Bit - address validated
    Processing time: ca. 2-4 Wochen
    85.00 95.00
    1 year duration per certificate
    Prices excl. VAT
    order now
  • Thawte SSL 123 Wildcard Certificate - domain validated

    The Thawte SSL 123 Wildcard Certificate secures all sub domains for a domain (* for group names) and the domain itself ( Furthermore, the license includes unlimited use on various servers. In this way, the certificate can be used on multiple virtual or physical servers. 

    With a domain-validated certificate the ownership of the domain is verified using various authentication procedures. The certificate is therefore available within a very short time.

    The certificate includes the following URLs:

    • *


    Thawte SSL 123 Wildcard Certificate - domain validated
    Processing time: approx. 1 working day
    96.00 107.00
    1 year duration per certificate
    Prices excl. VAT
    order now
  • Thawte Wildcard Certificate 256 Bit - address validated

    Beim adressvalidierten Zertifikat wird neben der Domaininhaberschaft die Identität Ihres Unternehmens u.a. durch Handelsregisterauszug, Bankdaten und Telefondaten verifiziert. Der User sieht im Browser bei Klick auf das SSL-Schloss beim Zertifikat-Inhaber den Firmennamen und den Ort. 

    Mit diesem Webserver-Zertifikat sichern Sie mehrere Subdomains einer Domain auf dem gleichen Server, der das * für den Gruppennamen verwendet. Es gilt nicht für Sub-Subdomains. 

    Das Thawte Wildcard-Zertifikat bietet umfangreiche Authentifizierungsverfahren (Domainname und Identitätsüberprüfung). Es bietet auch 128- bis 256-Bit Verschlüsselung, abhängig von der Fähigkeit des Browsers und der auf dem Webserver installierten Chiffrierung. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass die Informationen zwischen dem Webserver und dem Webbrowser vertraulich gehalten werden. 

    The certificate includes the following URLs:

    • *


    Thawte Wildcard Certificate 256 Bit - address validated
    Processing time: ca. 2-4 Wochen
    235.00 261.00
    1 year duration per certificate
    Prices excl. VAT
    order now
  • Thawte SSL Web Server Certificate with EV

    Due to strict guidelines and with up to 256-bit encryption, this "Extended Validation" SSL Certificate is currently the highest performance authentication standard.

    A page secured with Extended Validation:

    • Displays the name of your organization
    • Displays the trusted Thawte brand
    • Encourages your clients that they are on the the right website
    • Assures your clients that web transactions are secure.

    The certificate includes the following URLs:


    Instead of purchasing an own certificate for each domain, this certificate enables you to optionally make use of "Subject Alternative Names" (SAN) and use the same certificate for up to 10 further domain names, in addition to the main domain.

    The costs for SAN domains are charged separately to the fees for the certificate.

    Certificate fees + 1 year duration per SAN 170189


    • A maximum of 10 SAN domains per SSL Certificate are possible.
    • All SAN domains need to be specified at the time of ordering.
    • All SAN domains need to be on the same server.
    • It is not possible to add further SAN domains later.
    • It is not possible to change SAN domain names during the term of the certificate


    Thawte SSL Web Server Certificate with EV
    • Name of your organization
    Processing time: approx. 2-4 weeks
    220.00 245.00
    1 year duration per certificate
    Prices excl. VAT
    order now