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We strive to support the weakest members of our society. We support local and international social organizations who provide humanitarian services for people in need.

Up to 100 Storage Share instances for "Kiss Mittelfranken"
The self-help contact organization "Kiss Mittelfranken" has created a platform for digital communication in the corona crisis called Kiss.On. (In German, "Kiss" is short for "contact information for self-help"; the group operates in Central Franconia, a region in Germany). For it's IT infrastructure, Kiss.On relies on a donation from Hetzner Online. The comp...
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100 safety vests for the kids at St. Josef's daycare center
Hetzner Online is showing its support for the St. Josef daycare center in Gunzenhausen by donating 100 children's safety vests. The daycare plans to use these on daily outtings and fieldtrips to help keep the kids safe. "In addition to the kids being safer in traffic, the vests also help the teachers keep track of the kids because they're easy to spot," said...
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Emergency bedroom for homeless young adults
This is an exciting adventure that we are happy to be a part of - so Martin Hetzner about the youth emergency shelter. The "Diakonische Werk Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen", with Hetzner Online as a partner, has organized this project which offers a temporary bedroom for homeless and/or troubled youth in Gunzenhausen. The emergency shelter is meant to help 18-to-25...
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Two PCs donated to "Autismus Vogtland e.V." in Auerbach

Hetzner Online donated PCs with monitors, keyboards, and mouses to the autism care facility and support center "Autismus Vogtland e.V." in Auerbach. The care facility will use the PCs for a variety of purposes, including practicing communication skills using writing programs and for games.

Donation of €250,000 for welfare projects in Africa

Together with Habitat for Humanity, Hetzner Online helped to finance the construction of more than 50 houses in poverty-stricken areas. Thanks to these efforts, families in South Africa, Cameroon, and Mozambique have a new roof over their heads. In addition, for several years Hetzner Online has supported a project in Malawi that builds houses for families affected by HIV.

Donation to outpatient hospice charity
One project that is particularly close to our heart is the outpatient hospice association located in the region around Weissenburg and Gunzenhausen. For the last twenty years, 45 volunteers have been escorting patients in need in the hospital and at home. Their main goal is to improve the quality of life for these patients right up to their last moments.

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Regens Wagner benefit concert

Regens Wagner in Absberg, Germany, provides housing and a community for people with disabilities. Hetzner Online has twice provided financial donations as part of the organization's benefit concert "Weitblick Open Air" (The Big Picture Open Air).